Herzlich Willkommen auf der Website der Stadt Schweinfurt!
Maintal Opportunity Center
If you need to get started in a hurry, you can now lease modern, economically priced production and office facilities in the Maintal Opportunity Center – and be operational within a few weeks. Move into the Opportunity Center now, stay there temporarily or for up to five years, with an option to purchase a permanent site right next door. For further information on QuickStart contact Hans Schaupp at the Schweinfurt Economic Development Office at hans.schaupp@schweinfurt.de
Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung und Liegenschaften
Wirtschaftsförderung, Liegenschaften
Markt 1, Zimmer 324
97421 Schweinfurt
Telephone 0 97 21 51-7 25
E-Mail: wirtschaftsfoerderung@schweinfurt.de
Businesspark Maintal
You need a smaller property for your business maybe about 1,000 to 1,500 sq m? Then the Businesspark Maintal is the right location for you! The appearance of the industrial park is clearly structured, because of the uniform development and alternating green areas. The office areas of 100 to 800 sq m make the business park just as interesting for service providers as for craftsmen with a workshop. Renting is possible.
Hans Schaupp, Telephone 0 97 21 51-7 25, hans.schaupp@schweinfurt.de
Founding-Innovation-Consulting Center Schweinfurt
The GRIBS (Gründer-Innovations-und Beratungszentrum Schweinfurt) at the Mixed Industrial Estate Am Hainig provides office areas for start-ups and young entrepreneurs for the first years. Founders from the fields of software, IT, technology development, construction and all high-growth service industries as well as technology-oriented companies can inexpensive rent office areas and can use different services and supports. The GRIBS provides about 1,700 sq m, flexible area distribution from 25 to 200 sq m are possible.
GRIBS Betriebs-GmbH
Karl-Götz-Straße 5
97424 Schweinfurt
Telephone: 0 97 21 7 97-3
E-Mail: sekretariat@gribs.de